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Autopsy of an Impossible Race

A quirky and introspective musical that traces the boundaries between tragicomedy and proto-poetry. An eclectic proposal that combines performance and audiovisual to narrate from different latitudes the ostentatious plan that Imagination has woven to escape the Market to which we undersold it to collect mirrors.

A polyhedral Cry that claims landscapes beyond entrenched navels, quartering stereotypes and paradigms that trade with collective stupidity.

una liebre muerta colgada por las patas traseras
fondo con textura de pared


In this symphonic chronicle of a foretold suicide, "Pierre Lévrier", a successful Franco-Spanish writer in free fall, embodies the cruel and relentless exile that Materialism reserves for those who stop pedaling on the ridiculous kitsch scooter on which we surf the Infinite.

Unable to manage his disaster and commune with human collapse, our stormy anti-hero, disguised as Cervantes since he got lost, stumbles aimlessly after squandering what he begged betting at a nearby greyhound track to the abandoned warehouse in which he survives, and from where he will undertake an "Impossible Race", woven with the shreds of his ruin, in which the real protagonist of this succulent existentialist fable competes," Mick the Miller ", the world's most famous racing greyhound, a fortuitous and domesticated alter ego that, gagged by a hysterical Consumer Society that strangles the idea and shields the abuse of power, incapable of continuing to comply, will capitulate by tumbling towards the Oblivion where, it seems, even Pain is silenced...

An audacious as reckless tongue-twister... An elegy of the carousel... A Requiem for those who will never exist... A blank challenge... A clumsy dystopia that invites the viewer to predict his own "Autopsy" to mourn those directions we discarded, claiming the right to invent different paths... A defenestrated Ode to the terrifying freedom, essence of art, divine instinct of our mammalian condition...

fondo con textura de pared


Four musicians, in the style of a Greek chorus, harmonize the plot performed by an actor who interacts with a large screen that performs different functions (music videos, visual poetry, video games, cycloramas, short film pieces integrated into the action, and live projections).

The different stages our protagonist goes through are intimately linked to the songs of an eclectic and risky repertoire, choosing the soliloquy to express the loneliness and state of abandonment of individuals, as well as the loss and deterioration of human relationships.

A thrilling staging that swings between a circus concert and a surrealist monologue prone to desecrate the fourth wall.



Creation: El Galgo Afónico Lab.
Performance: Miquel Simó, Joan Redondo, Israel Sanz Abraham Creus and Josep Lluis Redondo.

Music: El Galgo Afónico Lab.
Videocreation: El Galgo Aphonic Lab / T
acto Sonoro.
Space and models: El Galgo Afónico Lab.
Sound Design: Tacto Sonoro

Dossier / Technical sheet


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